Life Change

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More Free Stuff

So today I went back to Albertson's armed with my coupons. I bought 1 gallon of organic milk, a bushel of celery, a tomato, a cucumber and 5 pounds of bone in chicken breast. I used the $.99/lb coupon for the chicken, and a free milk coupon plus $8 off my total purchase coupons I earned on our last trip to Alberson's. I spent only $.65 for the whole thing! Savings of 111%

Monday, July 11, 2011

Today's Savings

Today my daughter and I had a successful day of couponing. We went to Albertson's and bought 8 boxes Kraft mac N Cheese ($.79 ea), 8 cans Hunt's pasta sauce ($.89 ea), Chix of the Sea Albacore tuna (8 at $.88 ea) A jar of Orville Redenbacher's popping corn on sale with coupon, a free donut with coupon and $3 off my total order with a catlina I received during my last visit. Total savings of 57%, plus 10 lbs of Salmon fresh caught for only $1.99 lb. Then we went to 7-11 for the 7-11-2011 free slurpee and got the car's oil changed with a $3 off coupon, where they gave me another coupon for a free car wash. All in all a good day, and getting better at this saving money thing. Kind of a rush!